Becoming a Client

Register for Our Programs and Support

Welcome! Becoming a client with harvest house registers you and/or your family for a clothing voucher and qualifies you for various programs, including summer food and Holiday friends. To qualify, you need to:

  • Live in a location we serve
  • Your household income is below the poverty line
  • You have children under your care (if a specific program indicates)

To become a client, simply meet with one of our Client Intake representatives and bring the required documentation listed below. Once verified, you will automatically be registered as a client.

Required Client Documentation

Government Issued Picture ID (All Adults in Household)
  • Driver’s License/State ID
  • Passport
  • Mexican ID
  • TDCJ or County Jail ID
Minors Under the Age of 18
  • Birth certificate indicating you as a parent
  • If the birth certificate does not show you as a parent, custody documentation is required
Proof of Residence (All Adults in Household)
  • Utility Bill (water, gas, electric)
  • If you currently live with someone and do not receive a bill in your name, a piece of mail addressed to you will be accepted
Proof of Income (choose one)
  • Pay statement or bank statement showing deposits
  • Government award letter (SSI, SSD, Medicaid, Child Support, Food stamps, TANF)
  • Documentation showing how you support yourself if you have no income
  • Voucher or equivalent from housing authority if on housing

Please note: All document dates must be within the last 30 days.

Contact Us

  If you have any questions, please call    817-295-6252 .  If you have any questions, please call 817-295-6252  If you have any questions, please call   817-295-6252 .  If you have any questions, please call 817-295-6252. 

We look forward to assisting you and your family. Thank you for reaching out!

How to Become a Client:

Step-By-Step Guide

Check Eligibility
  • Live in a location we serve
  • Your household income is below the poverty line
  • You have children under your care (if a specific program indicates)
Gather Required Documentation

Collect the documents for all adults and minors in your household.

Schedule an Appointment

Client Aid Services Hours
(By Appointment Only)

Call 817-295-6252

Day Time
Monday Closed
Tueday 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Wednesday 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Thursday 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Friday Closed
Sat/Sun Closed
Attend Your Appointment

Bring all the gathered documentation to your appointment. During this meeting, our Client Intake representative will verify your documents and discuss your eligibility for Harvest House programs.

Become a Client

Once your documentation is verified, you will automatically be registered as a client. You will then be eligible for a clothing voucher and can participate in programs like summer food and Holiday friends.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance with the process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 817-295-6252 . If you have any questions or need assistance with the process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 817-295-6252. We're here to help!

All Document Dates Must Be in Last 30 Days

Revised July 2024 Your Harvest House (817)-295-6252

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