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Local Grocery Deliveries accepted Mon-Fri 8:30AM - 4PM
Welcome to Harvest House!
Email: | Phone: 817 - 295 - 6252
Welcome to Harvest House!
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State benefit programs help people with little or no money who are in need
For Tarrant County Residents
Utilities, Rent, Mortgage Assistance
Contact the Public Utiltiy Commission for complaints/problems with your electric provider (PUCI-Public Utility Commission Investigator)
You can get a ride to a safe place, find shelter, legal help or a job, recieve counseling.
You can get help quitting, dealing with crisis, or keeping others from using drugs or alcohol.
Call - 1-877-966-3784 (1-877-NO DRUG)
If you're looking for a job, we can help you. We can also help you build your resume. Visit Website or Call 817-641-6201 for assistance.
For help learning to read or obtaining your GED, Job skills, or learning to speak English
Call - 1-800-441-7323 or (1-800-411-READ)
Do you need help paying for your health insurance.
Call - 1-800-440-0493
Or write: Texas Health and Human Services Commision TMHP-HIPP PO Box 201120 Austin TX 78720-1120d
Or Visit Website
For help with Child Support issues.
Call 1-800-252-8014
Visit Website is dedicated to providing free, reliable legal information to low-income Texans.
Texas Legal Services Center (TLSC) is a nonprofit that helps low-income and elderly people in Texas with their legal problems. TLSC helps educate people about the law, speaks up for their rights, and gives them advice and representation when they need it.
Find rent help, emergency and homeless services, utility bill help, buying a home, homebuying education and weatherization.
TexVet is a state-funded information and referral service, specifically for Texas’ military and their families. Access Resourced based on Zip Code.
2785 Alta Mesa Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Call: 817-346-6373
1711 W. Henderson
Cleburne, TX
Call 817-645-7448
Your Harvest House does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity). Your Harvest House does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity).
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