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Did you know Huguley Hospital has a medical bus to help those without insurance. You can pay what you can. They can give antibiotics or meds for pre-existing needs. Here is the link where the bus will be in Johnson County.
Texas Womens Health Program
P.O. Box 14000
Midland, TX 79711-9902
Call: 1-800-335-8597
(Age: 18-44years old)
Navigating the world of healthcare and prescriptions can be daunting. At Professional Prescription Advice, we're committed to simplifying this journey for you. With a focus on transparency and patient-first values, we are dedicated to helping you access the healthcare resources and support you need.
Patient Advocate Foundation's Co-Pay Relief program exists to help reduce the financial distress patients, and their families face when paying for treatment. We believe that no patient should go without life changing medications because they cannot afford them. We are here to help.
Must have insurance and income must be below 500 percent of federal povery guidelines
eye exams, glasses, safety, glaucoma checks
Counseling services and resources for alcohol/substance abuse.
Vaccinations, disease prevention, smoking cessation
Indigent healthcare.
Check website for financial qualifications.
Type in your zip code to find programs serving people in that zip code.
For residents of Johnson and Hill counties. Limited dental services for those with limited or no health insurance.
Our licensed medical staff provides pregnancy testing and ultrasounds to determine gestation (age) and viability (likelihood to live).
3010 SE Loop 820
250-J NW Tarrant Ave​
Addiction Group is dedicated to help individuals suffering from substance abuse and prevent new cases through credible information and spreading awareness to as many as we can reach. Every fact-based piece of content is written by journalists or medical professionals.
We provide information regarding alcohol use disorders and gives people with a chemical dependency the tools to reach sobriety. The goal of our guide is to educate people on the symptoms of withdrawal, and how to adjust to a life without alcohol.
Vision Center is an informational web guide created for those seeking eye surgery and other vision correction options. All content published on Vision Center is researched, written, and edited by licensed optometrists, experienced journalists, and other medical writers in the industry.
An organization that focuses on producing high quality substance abuse and recovery content.
A teaching institution in which treatment is performed by students and supervised by licensed clinical faculty.
Clinic provides dental care to low-income individuals and families to help them avoid future health issues and emergency dental problems.
For residents of Johnson and Hill counties. Limited dental services for those with limited or no health insurance.
828 West Harwood Rd.
Hurst TX 76054
Students provide services in a dedicated clinic. The clinic services are strictly preventative. A one time fee of $10 is charged for services provided during each semester.
Students perform all services and work under the direct supervision of full time and part time licensed faculty.
Your Harvest House does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity). Your Harvest House does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity).
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